Jnes 1.1.1 released for Windows

posted by Jabo Jnes
Since the last release there has been some important bugs fixed and I'm happy to say the Android version has allowed me to spend more time improving emulation compatibility and working on Jnes in general. Thanks to everyone who has supported Jnes in Google Play! The Android version has been quite an interesting project, the feedback and help from everyone has been great, I'm truly impressed with the Android community.

Today I wanted to finally get an updated version of the Windows binaries out that has these improvements as well as things that a few users have asked for. While this is a minor update I think it has a lot of key things that everyone will enjoy, I didn't want to wait longer. I know many have been waiting patiently for this update, for a full list of changes see the downloads area.
Comments 174

Riony 1372132891000 #1

Than you Jabo! Much appreciated

ESTE 1372220289000 #2

Great job. Any chance for fixing that annoying sound issue when monitor can't produce constant 60 frames per second? At higher refresh rates (like 75p hz) it makes picture jerky.

Keep good work and thanx

Jabo 1372272306000 #3

Cool glad you like it I wasn't aware there was an issue with high refresh rates, all my monitors are standard 60hz unfortunately but as soon as I can I find a monitor I'll try that out.

Gerhalt 1372751648000 #4

yay! that's simply paramount! incredible news! have just grabbed the archive with a fresh binary - gonna test right away I'm especially interested in HOW GOOD the update handles #26 (btw, enormous thanks for adding it). needless to say, I'll compare the way it runs to that in Nestopia, hope you don't mind that.
bloody hell, I'm so excited - you know it's f***ing awesome to witness the fave product grow, evolve, become more.. erm flexible! yet I'm glad to see more & more people take active part in it, thus helping you to improve on var aspects of emulation.
okay, I guess it's time to leave for a very little while - they say the sooner one leaves the sooner he'll be back, so away I go.

Yoshistar95 1372794745000 #5

Oh... just found out today that it's released, but that's because I'm busy with the exams.
Can't wait to try it out tomorrow any notable difference between 1.1 and 1.1.1?

Gerhalt 1372798988000 #6

any notable difference between 1.1 and 1.1.1?

yup, there are some 'minor' improvements over the previous release:
http://jabosoft.com/categories/3 - check out that nice log of most recent changes.

2 Jabo: I always wondered why a help documentation tells nothing of those widespread mappers #1 & #4 - as if JNES cant run 'em... instead it says the emu supports #0 (which actually means JNES couldn't read ROM's header and/or ROM's corrupted in some way) though it'll indicate a bad dump of some sort.

Jabo 1372864747000 #7

oh wow you are right I need to update that list!

Brad 1372969358000 #8

You will never cease to amaze me, Jabo. I've been playing with JNES since sometime around 2005 or so and you continue to update and improve. Kudos, it's much appreciated.

kirbyfan 1373291313000 #9

Hey Jabo, did you add more mappers to this updated Jnes.

YS95 1373298138000 #10

(this time as a guest)
What causes the emulator to crash when starting up? So far 1.1.1 didn't, but it may be still present, can you fix the mysterious error? (not sure if it will happen with the updated version)
Also, the example language file is still missing commands which is translatable...

Gerhalt 1373315876000 #11

hey Yoshistar, what browser are you using? my guess is that your constant login reset trouble has something to do with it, since it tends to f**k up your cookies along with logins & passwords... erm, unless you visit these threads from var. terminals that is. ahem, in any case I'm pretty sure this problem annoys you a great deal, so I suggest that you have a look at certain (depending on the browser) config window & make sure those eponymous cookies are checked to be safely saved once the app had been closed.

btw, regarding that mysterious emu crash on startup. I believe there are 2 major reasons for that:
1) something wrong with your DirectDraw API, run DXDiag tool in order to find out whether it's true or not & get at least some idea how it could be dealt with;
2) your current antimalware product screws it up making JNES crash, here you're gonna need to add the emu to the 'white list' of trustworthy apps thus granting it some 'green light'.
hopefully this info will be of some help to you mate!

Gerhalt 1373647082000 #12

a (not so) brief report: the hot release works fine this far, though it displays no icon... I mean that trademark 'J' symbol's visible in the taskbar button only, however it's seen in neither the upper left hand corner of the actual app window (a default exe icon instead), nor is it in the 'About' dialog box, just a blank space, that is.
and oh, before I forgot, Jabo I'm deeply grateful to you for bringing back 2xSai renderer, which you should have listed within change log methinks.
the other day completed Esper Dream in Nestopia so that I've got that precious .sav file (which is inter-compatible) in my possession. it contains the whole game opened to explore. gonna do the same trick with Madara, though I'm afraid that this time it'll take a lot, nay LOT more time to beat since it's ~4 times larger than ED2. in the meantime gotta check out whether those spotted glitches are fixed.
p.s. I'm much relieved to know the uninspiring status window issue in Ys occurs no longer - HUD remains in the bottom all the time. many thanks Jabo!

Yoshistar95 1373721057000 #13

No problem with logging in

So you're missing the icon? It's fine here except it's named Jnes 1.1
My ROM hack still runs fine by the way

Gerhalt 1373754608000 #14

No problem with logging in

that's great, dude! I guess you just visit the thread from dif. terminals and don't wanna login every time. why bother if you can simply type your comment as a guest user right? I understand now. I've just figured out that icon glitch: it was UPX which screwed it up while unpacking the executable, damn those WIP builds - they always tend to do somewhat damage to stuff.

there's still that annoying backdrop tremble issue when traversing 'vertical' rooms in Akumajou Densetsu. AND what's more important, the glorious VRC6 still lacks that distinctive bass pitch.
btw, is it just me or the recent release has some volume 'tweaks' like, say, it was lowered by certain degree? I ran several roms and was quite surprised to notice the sfx sound louder than bgm tunes. why is that?
to conclude with, I'd like to admit the fact I never used JNES as NSF player, 'till now that is. I know I'm the 1 to blame to be unaware of such wonderful feature. still, they say better late than never right? okay, so I tried out a couple of files from my collection, and had some (hopefully) nice ideas coming to my mind that concern the player's GUI and the way of interaction. Jabo, if you're interested, please gimme a sign or something okay?

Jabo 1373832524000 #15

The NSF player is kind of a hidden novelty feature. I think of it like the music test screen in game's options menu. It's unlikely I'll be able to find time to improve it, but I'm happy you found it.

If you want to seriously listen to a NSF collection have a look at Winamp which will has all the music facilities already like plugins, track indexes, buttons, etc.

I'll check out Akumajou, there was definitely a problem with the phase accum in the previous release, but I just double checked that was fixed.

Gerhalt 1373838903000 #16

so it appeared in this release? that's why I didn't know.
regarding Winamp: I'm well aware of chip-amp plugin 'cuz I used to listen to my collection with its help, BUT that was until I discovered Nestopia and its capabilities. the major reasons I uninstalled Winamp were a) I tried Foobar2K (superlative), b) chip-amp plays certain NSFs in a weird manner (Super Spy Hunter to name one), c) I got a couple of NSFs of FDS games (featuring FDS sound chip) and guess what - it [chip-amp] screws that channel up so that it sounds crappy (Gyruss/Meikyuu Jiin Dababa prove that), and finally d) it produces the monaural sound which is of no use to me - come to think of it, why bother using buggy plugin when I can enjoy an amazing stereo produced by either Nestopia or (from now on) JNES? moreover, I can dump my fave tunes, convert them to, say, flac, and listen to that compilation with (almost) any media player! I think it's awesome!

now some bad news: since JNES lacks FDS sound chip, it's incapable of playing NSF files of FDS games properly. that's a sad fact. anyway, it's a bonus feature, which means I've no right to complain about its downsides. I just wish I could listen to ANY tune from ANY NSF file. oh well...
btw Jabo at least you can increase the delay timeout between the tune selecting repeats - now it's too low thus one has to make those extra slight taps to select the following tune.

p.s. have a bit of testing for Esper Dream - generally it runs okay this far, though I gotta point out there's a slight background distortion towards the bottom whenever a dialog box pops up. once the speech window has slided away, it's back to normal. I'll let you know if I notice anything else.

Jabo 1373846239000 #17

hehe ok thanks for the explanations and information I'll put it to good use

Yoshistar95 1373916877000 #18

Can you add a hotkey for recording a movie in the next release? I also like to have a 'last directory used' system, because it always opens in the folder My Videos and nowhere else
Speaking of movie recording, for some reason the plugin DivX 6.9.2 compression doesn't work properly, any suggestions?

Gerhalt 1373921786000 #19

...because it always opens in the folder My Videos and nowhere else

try this: open jnes.ini with Notepad, seek the [Directory] partition, there should be a parameter "Last=XXXXXXXX" nearby, type your path instead of XXXXXXXX value, don't forget to save the changes made to that file.
and what do you exactly mean by "...plugin doesn't work properly" eh? does it crash when attempting to encode? is an output media file corrupted? please supply us with somewhat more details!

leodelacruz 1374064611000 #20

Need linux release

Yoshistar95 1374089626000 #21

The sound goes waaaay off sync with the plugin and it's corrupted sometimes not all plugins are working, but Microsoft Video 1 has the best performance so far...
I'm glad everything works that are original from 1.1, I mean save states and .jmv files of course

JesterMan 1374745222000 #22

Thank for update

squall_leonhart 1375490107000 #23

"Need linux release"


kirbyfan 1375712068000 #24

So far while I'm waiting for Jnes to get more updates, I've been using Nestopia Undead version 1.45 .

Gerhalt 1375735661000 #25

okay, cool now how about sharing your impressions regarding its functionality in both overall & particular. should I consider removing the standard version for the sake of installing that one? does it improve over the emulation? in what way? what are the benefits of using it anyway? tell us everything!

2 Squall
welcome back mate! could you please reveal your thoughts on this release? wanna know your opinion about it!

kirbyfan 1375742900000 #26

Are you talking to me Gerhalt?.

If so Nestopia Undead ver 1.45 is so far one of the best NES emulators.

Gerhalt 1375746155000 #27

Are you talking to me Gerhalt?

yes I am. well that's pretty obvious you use it since you like it very much. I asked you to describe some certain features lacking in the original Nestopia (which I use). why is it better? some details would be much appreciated.

yeah, I guess the best way to get my queries answered is to give it a personal go. hopefully I'll have a look some time in a distant future. meanwhile got some other business to attend to.

kirbyfan 1376711420000 #28

This new Nestopia Undead 1.45 keeps the config for the controller once you set it up and does not reset it like the original Nestopia does.

I've used this recent Jnes, it's really good has improved a lot but it still needs some improvements.

Maverick_Hunter_X 1376752876000 #29

Nestopia Undead ver 1.45 is so far one of the best NES emulators.

Nestopia may very well be one of the best but only puNES can be the best and most accurate NES emulator:


Nestopia has a accuracy rating of 79.6% while puNES has astonishing 92.3%

puNES can be found here:


0.68 is the latest version, builds are both for Windows and Linux in x86 and x64 flavors.

I would like to say that in terms of accuracy, Jnes falls short with a mere 13.4%
Yes Jnes works and play the games good but you notice the difference on the real hardware.

As an example Mega Man 3 has flickering on real hardware, puNES has the flickering too which is the accurate way to emulate the game.

No offense I hope Jabo, your emulator is good in it's own unique way.

Gerhalt 1376775911000 #30

This new Nestopia Undead 1.45 keeps the config for the controller...

if you mean some hardware gamepad buttons assignment - maybe you're right. I didn't try playing via gamepads myself, but I can assure you that the original Nestopia keeps every keyboard mapping 'safe & sound'. as for the hot release - yup, by all means it's way better than those previous ones in terms of stability, low bugs quantity (noticed this far) and overall feel. awesome stuff dude!

...but only puNES can be the best and most accurate NES emulator...

the most accurate - maybe (thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out), however I wouldn't call it the best since those terms aren't equal. there's quite a number of factors defining application's 'feel & appeal', moreover it depends on a certain person who uses this or that app. for instance, I may be fond of an app's level of accuracy, as well as I may hate the way it sounds at the same time.
btw, speaking of the eponymous accuracy - if a game has some visual and/or aural glitches, I'd definitely go for a less accurate emulation that got less (better NO) glitches instead, especially regarding some 'loading' procedures that take 4ever 2 'load'.

Maverick_Hunter_X 1376803953000 #31

puNES is just as user friendly as Jnes but around 7 times more accurate. To me the "feel & appeal" is there, no doubt about it.

puNES also have accurate PAL and NTSC palettes which is important. You can also choose from a variety of filters such as Composite, RGB, S-Video etc. etc. which makes it look like you where playing the game back in 1990.

If games have the same behavior on the emulator as on the real hardware then it's just like I want it to be and the way I remembered them from my past.

Mega Man 3, again as an example flickers quite a lot and it wouldn't feel quite the same if the flickering was non-existent.

Throw in a real NES controller and a adapter to use it with and you got yourself quite a nice authentic NES experience.

You're free to use whatever emulator you like but someday you'll probably realize that, NO this is not how I remembered the games at all and I want accuracy instead.

I was like yourself once, heck it wasn't that long ago either. I didn't care very much for accuracy and was generally glad that I was able to play the games on my PC.

Then I started to play the games on real hardware again and noticed stuff that wasn't quite as they should be in a "less" accurate emulator.

Flickering almost gone, no slowdowns, no real hardware bugs. Yeah stuff like that can be great sometimes to get rid of but in all honesty that's not really what an emulator should do.

An emulator should have the behavior that closely resembles the behavior of the real system and not circumvent crucial details by refining.

Some of you might have read this but this is an excellent article made by byuu the creator of bsnes/higan, the most accurate SNES emulator in existence:


Read it and think about it for a while.

EDIT: Why is links always broken when you post them?

Gerhalt 1376823253000 #32

I know what you mean by
NO this is not how I remembered the games at all.
such a familiar thought except for the last part - I'd say 'that was almost how I remember a certain period of my childhood' anyway, whenever I want to experience those feelings again, I simply head for the warehouse, put out my beloved NES, blow away the dust, bring up a pile of scrapped carts and finally play some of them! in order to raise the authenticity feeling I'd plug the console into some really aged b&w TV set - that's how I used to play back in the day of no worries whatsoever.
p.s. some minor question 2 U: what other systems is puNES capable of running? any chance of playing, say, FDS games? is there a full list of boards (mappers) supported?

Maverick_Hunter_X 1376823862000 #33

puNES plays FDS games perfectly! Just put the disksys.rom in your FDS game folder and blast away.


Mappers supported : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 159, 165, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246.

Guest 1376836681000 #34

"2 Squall
welcome back mate! [:D] could you please reveal your thoughts on this release? wanna know your opinion about it! [:)] "

It still hasn't learned to write all the sentences correctly. [:D] Junior school would be great for it. [:D]

Maverick_Hunter_X 1376922362000 #35

I could have sworn I saw a new long post from you Gerhalt earlier today talking about the accuracy test list, Jnes not supporting mapper 85 and such.

Anyway, I've said enough offtopic stuff as it is and don't want to ruin this Jnes 1.1.1 release thread.

Congratulations on your success with your new release Jabo!

Bye for now...

Gerhalt 1376994542000 #36

yup it was here quite a while ago, then I removed it due to the fact I had typed it enraged, so it sounded impolite etc. anyway, I'm gonna test some specific games in puNES, the way it handles those titles. then I'll compare results to Nestopia's since the latter runs Konami's Lagrange Point (troublesome mapper 85, board VRC7) & Sunsoft's Gimmick (mapper 69, board 5B/FME-7) perfectly - of that I'm sure. those are general test subjects, I got some even more obscure Famicom-only games that I call 'wickedly running' if you know what I mean, that is.

BlazeFaia 1377055427000 #37

Hi Jabo. Any chance of you adding multiple assignments for buttons? For example. Say I play Double Dragon III, now, to jump, you have to press A and B together. So I figure, why not assign A and B onto the A button of my controller, then assign A to X, and B to B. That way I can do standard attacks normally and have a jump button all to itself. That would be guaranteed to jump as human error is an all to common problem.

Gerhalt 1377205366000 #38

whoopee-doo! vast report time!
so where do I begin? hmmm, well let it be the following way: Jabo, may I congratulate thee on job well done? I do anyway.
1. Super Spy Hunter has finally got that subtlety that the previous releases lack. I mean the screen darkening whenever the game's paused - now it's there.
2. Choujin Sentai Jetman makes JNES crash NO LONGER. tee-ho!
3. made it through both Asmik-kun Land & Arkista's Ring, so what can I say - well, both work fine. at least I noticed no major glitches, that is. though gotta mention this: I never played these 2 games on a real hardware, therefore can't be 100% sure whether they're supposed to work like that. I hope they are.
4. Mouryou Senki Madara runs very well this far, however there's ~35% of the game left to be seen. superb work anyway!
5. Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden still got the same issue concerning messy stuff that occurs during certain battle scenes, plains arena screen to be more exact.
6. in Sunsoft's Hebereke there's still a bug I mentioned the other day - some artifacts are seen right below the health counter, plus the counter itself is trembling. I guess this issue somehow correlates with another glitch - at the title screen there are artifacts too, next to the password option.

in the meantime I'll keep on testing more games. Startropics I & II to name a few.

kirbyfan 1377270566000 #39

Well Maverick_Hunter_X, When I'm playing Nestopia undead it plays a 100% of games perfectly.

What's this puNES?, Well If your talking about the original Nestopia then that one has an accuracy rating 79.6%. Nestopia Undead 1.45 plays all NES games perfectly, I have not tested FDS games yet.

Is puNES easy to use like Nestopia and FCEUX?..

Maverick_Hunter_X 1377329980000 #40

Well Maverick_Hunter_X, When I'm playing Nestopia undead it plays a 100% of games perfectly.

What's this puNES?, Well If your talking about the original Nestopia then that one has an accuracy rating 79.6%. Nestopia Undead 1.45 plays all NES games perfectly, I have not tested FDS games yet.

Is puNES easy to use like Nestopia and FCEUX?..

Dear kirbyfan!

I have no doubts when you say that Nestopia Undead plays your games 100%
However let's not forget that Nestopia Undead is a fork and an unofficial release based off the old Nestopia which have been out cold since 2008.

Yes Nestopia have a accuracy grade of 79.6% and Nestopia Undead could presumably have a little higher accuracy grading.

As for puNES I think it's one of the best NES emulators in existence right now in terms of pure accuracy (92.3%).
Think of it as a counterpart to bsnes/higan which is the most accurate SNES emulator in existence.
One could very well say that puNES is a NES entirely written in software form.

puNES is just as easy to use as Jnes, Nestopia, FCEUX, MyNes etc.

I highly recommend anyone to try out puNES even though it's quite young (2010) compared to other well known and established NES emulators which have been around for ages.

Some of you must be thinking that I'm crazy or something with all the puNES this and puNES that talk and praising it too the skies.

Well this isn't just something I have grabbed from thin air. I've been using NES emulators since 1999 starting with NESTICLE, then I moved on to FCE, Jnes etc.

I have tried many of the most well known NES emulators and playing the shit out of the games literally and so far puNES have gotten it right compared to the real hardware.

We're all different and games being 100% perfect means different to all of us.

100% perfect for me is the authenticity and the ability play the games just like I did on the NES with flickering, graphical artifacts etc. while 100% perfect for you might be the game fully playable with little to none flickering and graphical artifacts.

I have played the Mega Man games in some emulators without flickering and graphical artifacts (Nestopia as an example) and sure it's nice but it's not correct.

Well I've said enough, good luck kirbyfan!

Gerhalt 1377343061000 #41

hey mate! firstly, I'd like to thank you for revealing such an awesome software, I'll definitely use it as a sorta 'perfect specimen' in order to compare other emus' degree of accuracy to its performance. there are so many obscure Famicom titles (I was unaware of in the not-so-distant past) I'm willing to see, so that it becomes pretty obvious I need some highly accurate emu to get a general idea how those games are supposed to run on a real hardware. not to mention the fact there are tons of titles JNES is incapable of running since it lacks the appropriate mappers - this is where Nestopia used to come to the rescue. that said, I'm about to replace the 'good old' Nestopia with puNES. needless to say I'm gonna use it as a tool of 'utter synergy'.

okay, now's the 2nd thing: the article by byuu is available no longer at the given link, so I ask you to supply a working one. I'll google for it anyway, but this thread is visited by many users and I believe it'd be great if they could follow that link & read the text themselves. so then sorted.

Maverick_Hunter_X 1377347093000 #42

I'm glad to hear that Gerhalt. puNES won't disappoint you, I'm sure of it.
Remember, puNES also have a 64-bit release too if that tickles your fancy.

I also want to say that emulation to me these days isn't just about playing the games anymore but also to preserve them.

Accurate emulators is an important key to preserve all these awesome games and play them like we used to since the real hardware might not be around in the future for everyone to get.

As for the link I posted for Byuu's article it seems links ain't working once posted due to some bug.

I recommend you to Google the following:

Accuracy Takes Power

and it's the first link on the top from arstechnica.com

Jabo 1379524815000 #43

Sorry about the link issue I'll try and fix that up. I took a look at the Arstechnica article, I didn't realize Byuu actually wrote that when I saw it months ago, I read it a bit more just now and that made it more interesting.

Regarding the accuracy tests, it's a very cool idea they came up with and it's a useful tool for emulator developers like me. I made some improvements to Jnes in this release which should increase the ranking there, I would encourage anyone who uses these tests to try out this version. Unfortunately pages like this get out of date quickly.

It would seem from the statistics on that page that some emulators are magnitudes more accurate than others, however this is not actually true. Most readers won't understand that in some test suites there are multiple test runs, even if an emulator passes 6 out of 8 for example, it gets a failing grade for the entire test run. I would hesitate to use the scores on this site for that reason, I don't think that's the intended purpose.

In regards to Jnes I'm always open to constructive bug reports, I do try and improve things. However, I don't share this same accuracy passion that seems to have been consuming many people these days, nor will I chase a ranking system.

Peace 1379869756000 #44

I noticed that neither bandit kings of ancient china nor L'Emporer work properly in the most recent version. Both graphics show up text like garbage. Both are KOIE games. FCEUX does have tehse working but i perfer your interface better. Though maybe you can get the mapper data from their source.

Jabo 1379954608000 #45

I noticed that neither bandit kings of ancient china nor L'Emporer work properly

Unfortunately when I implemented the mmc5 mapper support many years ago I took some shortcuts, and as a result only Castlevania III really works correctly. There's more publically available documentation now for how it works, but for some reason I never felt the need to go back and work on it. Gent use to say I ignore things I don't like!

You'll be glad to know that about two weeks ago I actually improved the mmc5 support in Jnes finally, the KOIE games display correctly now. The only thing I haven't finished is the WRAM support, I honestly can't figure out how to play these damn KOIE games! If you are interested in trying out a beta let me know, you can probably test it much better than I can and that would be a great help.

Not sure when the next public windows release will be, I'll definitely be publishing a new Android release in the next few weeks with this change though if anyone is interested in that. Having the Android version has really pushed things a positive way.

YS95 1379955706000 #46

Still not in the mood apparently

I got a problem, suddenly it doesn't show anything when I made a .avi video of a game... only sound is present.
Still using the same compressor, tried any available ones, but none shows something

Iconoclast 1379993493000 #47

To me personally, installing the information from public documentation to an emulator as exact one-for-one as feasible is like painting a work of art: I think it's fun.
(But so is ignoring things I don't like...)

Of course, doesn't really matter entirely anyway because at some point it ends up being replaced by reverse-engineering or time-saving shortcuts anyway.

(Um anyway so as not to be off-topic the thread too far, I haven't really much to test cause I only own like, 5 NES games, and all I know is Chessmaster still crashes. Otherwise it's perfect. )

peace 1380101136000 #48

I would be honored to beta test Jnes. I have done some beta testing in the past. I used to have emulation news page years ago and tested many emulators including early versions of Jnes.

Jabo 1380128268000 #49

I got a problem, suddenly it doesn't show anything when I made a .avi video of a game... only sound is present.

I don't have that issue on my Windows 7 machine, I don't have many others to try, if you can figure out what is causing this I'd be interested in knowing more.

and all I know is Chessmaster still crashes.

Ah yes good old Chessmaster, forgot about that one!

I would be honored to beta test Jnes. I have done some beta testing in the past.

Cool I'd appreciate any feedback for the KOIE games, can you sign up for an account here with your email? You should see a link at the top of the page, once you have an account I can figure out the best way to get things started.

Adventure Islan... 1380199971000 #50

I have a question do the Jnes adds files on the computer when you start it?Because i find two files that i never saw before...but the jnes works fine.But this thing is making me feel unprotected or sometih xD

Adventure Islan... 1380200091000 #51

also the files name are RECYCLER and msdownld.tmp and System Volume Information please tell me whyy?BTW i use XP

YS95 1380305854000 #52

They're not familiar to me... are you using Jnes 1.1.1?

I'll try to figure it out, my computer gets worse and it just gives me a bad feeling about the sudden errors it makes
Also forgot to mention this: What happened to the graphic options? It only shows default since I have 1.1.1 (1.1 same issue). Any idea? Yeah I'm a noob in computer stuff

I would like to give more save states of Gradius NES starting from a difficult loop and they're very hard to beat, even though I've beaten loop 10 in 8 tries hehe... skills!
I'm gonna add the Dutch language to dropbox so that everyone can get it unlike 4shared, so you can add it in the next release if you like still missing some things though...

Iconoclast 1380322546000 #53

Yeah it's fine, didn't exactly need it fixed.

In fact actually I remember you saying you spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong with it but supposedly gave up on it.

I'm sure it's just another mysterious complication of recompiler theory.

peace 1380324477000 #54

I registered and am now a member.

Yoshistar95 1380354393000 #55

Now you've mentioned that, I was complaining why some compressors fails to make one and this time it's different as the compressors (and even full frames!) which worked fine are suddenly failures too! This time I go for fixing the errors on the computer with programs and who knows what happens next...

Welcome to the community! enjoy the fun here!

So Jabo suddenly adds the link to create one when someone says he or she wants to make one? For some reason I didn't mentioned that it was gone... maybe once... I don't know...

Anyway, the flickering graphics in Gradius NES screws up the gameplay a bit and I don't know if it does that on a real NES...

Yoshistar95 1380390399000 #56

Oh yeah it was Drawing Method! How do I get the methods back actually? So far no map that has them...

Now I know that when you made a movie on 1.1.1 and play it on an older one (in this case 1.0), the replay goes off sync

Turbo button fails to work properly when game lags in Gradius... not a major issue as the tentacles are quickly beaten as long I tap A button. (in this case X for me)

Going for 25th loop No Miss now... I hope it will be much harder than 10th loop as I don't see much difference between 5 and 10.

Adventure Islan... 1380731395000 #57

So,it wasn't nothing with that,sorry for posting some topics for nothing btw i like jnes.Peace off

peace 1380787517000 #58

chess is benchmark for different console and computers. Since its been on every computer and console. By having both run at the same level you can see just how much better modern do by creating a match beween the two. You might also be able to benchmark emulators this way.

Yoshistar95 1380821612000 #59

Does Jnes 1.1.1 actually support FDS games? I haven't tried it yet, but I don't know if it requires something...

Ironic thing is, login works when this topic is active, doesn't work when the other is active... weird.

Anyway, I'm just wondering if Gradius can be modified as in level hacking (graphics is easy if I have the correct pattern file). Yeah I'm considering to make another NES hack after a good succes of SMB: TNSA, I want to continue hacking NES games and making sure it fits well for the players. In this case it was meant for skilled players (and it will be only that, spoiler alert: There will be a 2nd part!), even I can't beat it by just playing it TAS'd a walkthrough (3-4 the only level which is TAS'd due to bad lucks).

It's downloadble at Romhacking.net no reviews, so I can't say how it felt for the players....

Gerhalt 1380881805000 #60

hey everyone! been outta reach for quite a while - had some misfortune dealing with malfunctioning MB (apparently SB chip was down due to the overall age)... anyway, here I am, as they say 'back in business'
Does Jnes 1.1.1 actually support FDS games? I haven't tried it yet, but I don't know if it requires something...

alas! it doesnt. come to think of it, JNES is capable of playing NSF tunes, which is supposed to let one listen to ANY game's bgm, right? now guess what - that's correct only partially since there's no FDS stuff present within the emu so that you'll hear NO FDS sound channel whatsoever. needless to say it's an uninspiring experience hearing music that is missing this or that sound channel in the first place, while you know how it should exactly sound. yeah, simple as that.
and yes, it does require 'something'. a bios file to be more exact, which goes by the name of disksys.rom. though of notice is the following: different emus expect you to perform certain manipulations before you can actually boot a FDS image, ranging from simple putting bios file into a folder containing the game itself, to asking you to configure some relative paths to FDS roms and/or bios file. so there you go!

Iconoclast 1381136883000 #61

chess is benchmark for different console and computers. Since its been on every computer and console. By having both run at the same level you can see just how much better modern do by creating a match beween the two. You might also be able to benchmark emulators this way.

As far as chess is concerned, I'm not really sure that crappy NES engine ever got a port to the PC anyway.

Even so, I guess that would be more like benching hardware instruction set architectures, rather than local software algorithms which usually are more pertinent to something fixated to an exact hardware combination like an emulator.

peace 1381162820000 #62

As far as chess is concerned, I'm not really sure that crappy NES engine ever got a port to the PC anyway.

Even so, I guess that would be more like benching hardware instruction set architectures, rather than local software algorithms which usually are more pertinent to something fixated to an exact hardware combination like an emulator.

I guess you didn't Chessmaster was to both ported to PC and NES, also almost every other computer and console.
One thing you an bench mark with chess just how much improved modern computers are to older computer. Also, it is a great way to benchmark different amulators for the same console. For speed and maybe for accuracy. At the highest level if both emulators close to equal in accuracy they should either tie or have a 50/50 win ratio.
and, running a emulator against a real nes should too.

Yoshistar95 1381169383000 #63

After changing it back to 32-bit color, it's back! And....... movie works again as it now shows it

One tip when you play Gradius, don't try a Pacifist Run, completely insane 0_o

Gerhalt 1381261698000 #64

I wonder why did you switch it to high color palette (16-bit) in the 1st place?

as for your precise Gradius tip, well my guess is that it also concerns Salamander, Parodius, Twin Bee etc.

Yoshistar95 1381264016000 #65

Yeah, I've tried High Speed challenge and TAS'd the run (30fps) and it went great! 20 speed ups...

My computer is slow and changing would speed it up, but now it's faster, so no reason to stay in 16-bit

The Japanese ROM has also flickering graphics and a failing turbo button (not always). Though it was a bit less flickering...

Iconoclast 1381356549000 #66

One thing you an bench mark with chess just how much improved modern computers are to older computer.

Games and ideas don't benchmark CPU performance.
Synchronized algorithms for the same instruction set architecture do.

And Intel 386 versus MOS 6502 are not the most similar ISAs.

But, if you manage to write the same chess engine algorithm for the both of them, let me know.

Chessmaster was to both ported to PC and NES, also almost every other computer and console.

Doesn't matter. The NES engine itself was *NOT* ported to almost every other computer and console, because most systems in the 1990s and onward decided against porting a 1980s chess engine.

So no, you can't benchmark performance comparing an algorithm written for a 1980s CPU to the algorithm written for a 2010s CPU, because the algorithm its self is still different, not just the hardware.

Bench `f(x) = x[x - 1] + x[x - 2] + ... + x[0]` on the NES and `g(x) = x*x` on your current processor, and say based on that how much faster that component of a chess engine is on x86?

peace 1381377160000 #67

the orginal chessmaster was made long before 80386 it was available for the Apple 2 series whichdid indeed have 6502 based cpu. And, I belive the first pc version was for the 8086/8088. Just later versions have the orginal asm code set. And, that is the point to see how much faster and capable newer systems are. Btw, the 2600 used the weaker 6507.

Immortalking 1381457545000 #68

Hello. Let me start by saying thank you for your work on this project, The nostalgia factor is quite good. Having said that, I have run into a bit of a problem. While running 1.1.1, after a few minutes, the emulator will freeze, and force windows 8 to reboot. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but thought I would ask if it is a known issue, or a problem on my end. Included are the specs for my computer as shown by JNES JNES : Operating System: Windows NT 6.2
Installed Memory: 4095 MB
Video Description: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series (683D)
Video Driver: aticfx32.dll (Vendor: 1002)
Video Caps: Clipping NO; Stretch YES; Fillrect YES
Video Memory: 4094 mb FREE
If any other info is needed, pleaselet me know and I will provide it. Thank you.

Iconoclast 1381458157000 #69

OK, didn't bother to read fully before, but I missed some of the reason why I think you misread.

First off, remember that emulating a system, is not at all pertinent to benchmarking your hardware's performance to the target system's. I can't quite seem to collect how you've managed to involve "benchmarking" with emulator accuracy testing, because speed is not the same thing as accuracy. (Timing is another thing, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're talking about.)

You can't port a NES engine *accurately* to a superior architecture and call it optimized. Like I said, it was never ported to a 90s system, from an 80s system. What it's really ported FROM is source code. It is just revised, compiled, and built for systems that much newer. Your assumption that a newer system's port of a particular chess engine would feature the "orginal asm code" as the old hardware model, is also a little unusual.

And, if you can think of systems that came before the NES or the Intel 386 examples I gave, that's okay! Nothing to get depressed over, wasn't saying they didn't exist. Just giving traditional examples for combinations of platforms people will often choose for old-school gaming support.

Besides, Chessmaster has become inferior to Houdini, Rybka, and other engines today.
Maybe you didn't know, but computer analysis theory of chess game in the 1980s, is NOTHING like it is now in 2013. Because of this, engines are using exponentially better, recently invented high-level algorithms. The improvement of hardware is not the reason; it is the improvement of algorithm.

For the last time, you can't benchmark NES vs. PC speeds, for example, with two entirely different algorithms (something like f(x)=x+x on one, g(x)=x*x on the other). Look at the CPU clock speed reported by the manufacturer or something if you really want to get an idea how much faster hardware is.

The bottom line is: Typical algorithm benchmarking requires a loop in software, not a full-fledged game written differently for hardware.

Iconoclast 1381458624000 #70

While running 1.1.1, after a few minutes, the emulator will freeze, and force windows 8 to reboot. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but thought I would ask if it is a known issue, or a problem on my end.

Sorry I don't know.
Post I just made was in response to something else, really not trying to derail things.

I do know actually, there is a issue similar to that that just sprung up on non-SP1 Windows 7 for some components of the Project64 emulator people were using, but I don't know if it's anything related to the cause of the crash you got.

Maybe you could check a compatibility mode to run the program via Windows 8, for an older OS like Windows XP or something?

And is it with factor-default Jnes settings, or do you have enough time to change a few settings like render mode, joystick settings etc. before it crashes?

Do you also get no blue screen message with Microsoft info attached?
Those are just ideas sorry, probably Jabo has more ideas.

Immortalking 1381458933000 #71

Sorry I don't know.
Post I just made was in response to something else, really not trying to derail things.

I do know actually, there is a issue similar to that that just sprung up on non-SP1 Windows 7 for some components of the Project64 emulator people were using, but I don't know if it's anything related to the cause of the crash you got.

Maybe you could check a compatibility mode to run the program via Windows 8, for an older OS like Windows XP or something?

And is it with factor-default Jnes settings, or do you have enough time to change a few settings like render mode, joystick settings etc. before it crashes?

Do you also get no blue screen message with Microsoft info attached?
Those are just ideas sorry, probably Jabo has more ideas.

I can change any setting I want prior to launching a game. While the game is running, I can change anything I wish. Suddenly, the program will hang, audio will repeat a frame for 5 sec or so, then system will reboot. Going to try compatibility mode first. Thank you for your help.

Immortalking 1381459018000 #72

Also, no warning screen, just the reset, then the standard windows 8 "we found a problem that caused a system reboot, Please send the info so we can fix it

Iconoclast 1381475825000 #73

Okay how many times has it suddenly rebooted ever since you installed Jnes?

For instance did it happen with default, unmodified Jnes settings?
Or could there be a driver-intensive program running in the background apart from Jnes conflicting with it maybe?

But if it's happened at least 3 times I'm fairly sure it's safe to rule out that second bit. I don't want to cause you to risk knowingly rebooting it and losing data and stuff.

Immortalking 1381478173000 #74

More than three times, with unaltered settings, with various games. Some will allow me to play fully through with no issue, others will reboot within minutes of loading the rom. No extra programs running in background, just Win8 mandatory programs and my graphics software (amd catalyst control center software?). also, i thought it was just with the full screen setting, so I played windowed....still froze with some games, but I was able to manually close the window before reboot.

SInister 1381486212000 #75

I have a question about updating to Jnes Version 1.1.1 . Do you have to uninstall the previous version first? And how do you uninstall Jnes since the program does not appear on my pc's uninstall program list? Its a little weird that no one can answer this simple question.

Gerhalt 1381486919000 #76

you might call it hunch, but I bet the reason behind such behavior lies within those rubbish Catalyst drivers. anyway, you should run DirectX diagnostic tool (call the 'RUN' window, then type 'dxdiag' & hit Enter) and make sure the tests of DirectDraw, DirectSound & DirectInput pass OK. maybe, you'll have to decrease video and/or audio hardware acceleration level a little bit.
oh and btw, it'd quite helpful if you configured the OS to let you view your BSOD instead of instant rebooting.

how do you uninstall the emu huh? pretty simple actually - just delete the entire folder containing the binary and that's it. the explanation's plain simple too - JNES works as a portable app (the term PE - portable executable - speaks for itself), thus it creates NO registry entries (the OS does though), therefore you don't need to worry about cleaning some 'leftovers' made, unlike stationary apps that require such procedure (that's what uninstallation basically for).

how do you update the emu? once again it's as simple as your erm... shoes I mean there's nothing brainstorming really - if you wanna use an updated version only, just unpack the contents of an archive (or make the SFX do that) into the directory with existing files, overwriting the files when prompted. OR if you'd like to test a fresh release first - unzip the binary to another location (don't forget to create a shortcut), as a result you'll get 2 independent of each other apps that can work simultaneously but use separate settings. so then sorted or what?

Yoshistar95 1381503050000 #77

And don't worry if it says "Jnes 1.1" when starting up, Jabo probably missed that one the "About" information will tell the version.

And I got a new problem (or not, but anyhow), all cheats from ALL games are suddenly gone!
What the hell just happened!?


After checking the remaining games, it's not all, phew... yet Gradius.nes lost it all and mario.nes the same thing (and some others).
Ironicly, the Japanese ROM is unharmed...

Immortalking 1381517322000 #78

Thank you all for your help and input.

SInister 1381527833000 #79

To: Gerhalt

Thanks that all I wanted know. I did not know it was an App instead of a program or that you can remove JNES just by deleting its folder. You might want to put this info on your FAQ page for those who aren't as tech knowable as the JNES creators.

Gerhalt 1381576023000 #80

you're welcome, SInister glad I could help you lot. though I'm not the man behind JNES, it's Jabo the master developer, so I once again credit him for that fascinating piece of software we know as JNES. as for myself, I'm just a dedicated user, trying to help folks by sharing some knowledge.
hopefully the provided info will assist troubleshooting more issues that are likely to happen with Win 8 (or Win Blue, 8.1) based systems, especially those Radeon-equipped ones. actually, the hardware itself is awesome, but there's that damned Catalyst driver, the one to blame. I used to have Radeon the other day & dealt with glitches aplenty, most of which usually occur after the update. btw if anyone considers WHQL certified drivers to be more stable, I'm afraid he's wrong, moreover I witnessed issues when beta drivers appeared to be much more reliable compared to those 'glitch-free' ones. that's sad but true, the only reasonable way to work that 'misfortune' around is to downgrade to a previous version.

...all cheats from ALL games are suddenly gone!

hey mate, have you checked whether file jnes.cht is in the same folder as the emu itself? you might also have a look at the contents of jnes.ini where JNES keeps all of your enabled cheats. come to think of it, it's so weird.

Yoshistar95 1381658666000 #81

Everything's okay as far I can see, so yeah it's weird that it happened... first I thought it was all games, but apparently only Gradius was hurt (and now I've remembered that mario.nes had the same issue, never came back....).

Luckily I had no cheats added which I manually put in it normally I was already doing that, but since it glitched or whatever caused it, I won't do it until the 'new' cheats will remain unharmed. But I'm now gonna try some pacifist crazyness...

Xaviso 1382598607000 #82

I just want to ask about why I can't play 100in1.nes game using jnes? What do I have to do to play that? Thank you

Gerhalt 1382613083000 #83

well, Xaviso, you see, the major reason behind that behavior is that JNES does NOT support various homebrew versions along with hack derivatives, it offers the best compatibility with those official releases instead which I believe to be more reasonable afterall.
it's a pretty well known fact concerning those XXXXXXXin1 pirate carts (as well as their digital images) distributed alongside the so called 'Famiclones' made by certain 'experts' in order to gain some profit without paying to Nintendo - that's exactly why there were tons of Famicom-like (or slightly modified) consoles flooding European black markets. as for those lots-in-one carts - they actually contained around a dozen of simple games that are repeated but let you start a game at another stage, that's it. for instance, a cart named 9999in1 'unexpectedly' contains 5 actual games only: SMB, Duck Hunt, Galaxian, Lunar Ball & Battle City. the rest 9994 are just a pile of waste. Xaviso, here's my suggestion: you'd rather play those legal separate roms instead of this hundred-tons-o-crap stuff.

Deathstalker 1382876116000 #84

What was good just got better. Thank you for the corrections.

Nofxbam 1385350144000 #85

Hey Jabo,

Is there any way you can add a feature to disable all the save state buttons? I've got a MAME cabinet and I'm having trouble not being able to use number keys.

Would really appreciate it!

newbie 1386899625000 #86

disabling the save state buttons would be a great option! MAME cabinet build

Kitsune 1387402569000 #87

Love jnes! Any chance of updating it to render in 16:9?

Gerhalt 1387489092000 #88

Any chance of updating it to render in 16:9?

I guess none since it'll require tons of efforts when optimizing video stuff according to the mentioned aspect ratio. NES emulation is far cry NOT that sorta 3d engine where you can simply adjust the camera perspective angle so that it could render frames in widescreen mode.

there are 2 most common ways to play NES in fullscreen (as well as other non-widescreen systems' emus):
a) with appropriate corrections (black borders to the left & right) so that the original aspect ratio is kept unchanged;
b) generic stretching the entire image so that it becomes pretty distorted and uninspiring.

2 Jabo
alas, Konami's Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-Kun doesnt work, it just shows a blank black screen & that's it no image, no sound whatsoever while some other games using the same (23rd) mapper run fine - I'm talking of Crisis Force & Getsu Fuhma. oh dear, how sad...

Jabo 1387584105000 #89

Is there any way you can add a feature to disable all the save state buttons? I've got a MAME cabinet and I'm having trouble not being able to use number keys.

I'm pretty sure this is already in Jnes, in the help file under Using/General you'll find this passage about command line arguments:

-disablestatekeys : disables the save state shortcut keys, again useful for integrations with frontends

Love jnes! Any chance of updating it to render in 16:9?

I don't think Jnes filters resolutions in fullscreen, you should be able to pick any resolution. If you are asking will Jnes ever render 16:9 then you will probably be disappointed to learn that the original NES is not widescreen capable.

kirbyfan 1390350345000 #90

Xaviso, if you want and NES Emulator that can play any game try Nestopia Undead 1.45 .

dnewhous 1391042734000 #91

Trading on the inventory screen is completely disabled in Final Fantasy.

Gerhalt 1391213281000 #92

2 Jabo:
umm, could you please consider emu's ability to save the width of columns once the rom browser has been set to list (within the settings dialog box it's called 'small icon') view. it resets to those default values every time the emu is launched. I guess there's nothing difficult about adding such a handy option to JNES' functionality - it's capable of saving its position in the screen, so why not the columns? thanks for your time.

Jabo 1391290587000 #93

Will look into it, thanks Gerhalt.

Nofxbam 1392570012000 #94

I'm pretty sure this is already in Jnes, in the help file under Using/General you'll find this passage about command line arguments:

-disablestatekeys : disables the save state shortcut keys, again useful for integrations with frontends

I can't find this help file. Also, I am running a frontend so I'm not sure who to get a command line going prior to launching the emulator. A drop down selection in the app or an editable config file would be appreciated!

Klode784 1393117244000 #95

I installed version jnes latest version 1.1.1 Running windows 8.1 as admin and 2 more standard users. My son is the standard user and he cannot play games as it requires admin rights. The game launch but he can't use either buttons on the joystick. The only way to start the game is right click on it and run as admin and enter my password. That is very annoying.

Second question is I installed jnes on my windows tablet but it gives me an error about not finding the mouse. Obviously, it won't find a mouse since my tablet is touch screen. Installing another emulator without mentionning its name (nestopia) didn't have this issue. I guess it should be very easy to fix (as I prefer jnes...).

Jabo 1393621161000 #96

My son is the standard user and he cannot play games as it requires admin rights.

I don't really have anything to offer to help, I can't think of any reason why you would be unable to configure input as a standard user, are you unable to load the settings on your son's account or are you unable to configure it through the input dialog?

You may want to try installing Jnes into your son's My Documents or Downloads directory, it might work better there as he will not need admin permissions to access the folder.

Second question is I installed jnes on my windows tablet but it gives me an error about not finding the mouse.

That's pretty interesting, no one had mentioned that I'll see about fixing that up in the next release.

Gerhalt 1394235610000 #97

hey Jabo, I really hope you wouldn't mind if I remind you to have a look @ Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kun. I wonder if this game use some kind of piracy protection that prevents it from running under JNES (even when a perfect dump used)? It's a well known fact that KONAMI used to implement var DRMs into their games, in both hard- & software forms so that no (sneaky chinese) asshole could replicate their awesome masterpieces without having any trouble. that's why I'm guessing whether it's the case about the mentioned game...

Jabo 1394915105000 #98

hey Jabo, I really hope you wouldn't mind if I remind you

sneaky? just had the best laugh of the day Gerhalt! Did some quick digging and not surprisingly there is newer information available about the Konami hardware for that game's mapper, I'll see to it the next release improves this game, thanks for the reminder!

Doc 1394935532000 #99

I just installed Windows 8.1 and now can't get JNES 1.1.1 working at all. It will open up, but if I try to run any ROM it just shows a black screen. If I close the ROM or try to open a different one it crashes. Running as administrator does not help.

Jabo 1395966368000 #100

I just installed Windows 8.1 and now can't get JNES 1.1.1 working at all.

I only have one machine with Windows 8 right now and it has no problem, I'll keep an eye out but it may be unrelated to Jnes.

rash2236 1396866631000 #101

emulator is good but Nestopia ahead of him. Improve support for this rom as 168in1 was a hit in Poland (LINK http://pl.nes.wikia.com/wiki/168_in_1)

as you released a new version of the emulator could test it with a frontend mGalaxy gained you a lot more users


Gerhalt 1396910109000 #102

Jabo, you know, I've recalled a subtle thing I wanted to ask long ago:
when does the emu write actual data to native .sav files? right after the rom image has been unloaded or during the whole application's quitting procedure?
I got some minor idea about that I'd like you to know...

Jabo 1397305060000 #103

yes right on both Gerhalt, it does save when the game is closed, or you quit the application.

Gerhalt 1397344064000 #104

I've just realized: I asked another silly question since it's pretty obvious that any emu (that lets user quit without rom closing) must be capable of saving native backup ram data at both moments because you can't predict when user closes an app or loads another rom.

...but!!! Jabo please explain how does the emu behave if some certain game (like Madara & Faria) is running? I mean the following: a game requiring to hold the RESET button while turning the actual hardware off - it was the only way to save an in-game progress on a real console. so do I have to keep F1 pressed while hitting F12 in order to simulate the procedure mentioned above?

Doc 1397701665000 #105

I only have one machine with Windows 8 right now and it has no problem, I'll keep an eye out but it may be unrelated to Jnes.

It worked fine in just Windows 8; I didn't have a problem until 8.1 specifically.

Jabo 1397913724000 #106

I mean the following: a game requiring to hold the RESET button while turning the actual hardware off

Sorry to say I have no idea, I couldn't construct an intelligent guess without sounding the fool

Gerhalt 1397952206000 #107

okay look, I'll try to express my query in another way: will JNES save native backup-ram data of those specific games if I just unload a rom (or quit the app) without force-reset? to tell the truth I'm used to save my in-game progress by means of slot saves, but the other day you said those quick saves are less reliable than the native ones. therefore I'm considering whether to trust those mentioned .sav files or keep using familiar F5-F7 features?
p.s. hopefully that sounds clearer.

gil-008 1398072001000 #108

hey i want to know how to play net play

Gerhalt 1398814411000 #109

I've finally made my mind on which save files to prefer: will use both kinds since you can never be sure which one's about to screw things up... they'll simply back each other up.

as for my idea on how to make JNES even more user friendly, here goes:
Jabo, I'm asking you once again to reconsider bringing back those handy status bar messages - they used to make the emu so... clear & friendly. especially for those new to the emulation phenomenon. I'm pretty sure that hints (on what this or that item does) are always welcome. and of course, they should be localization-ready.

finally, I'd like to reveal my thoughts concerning the process of writing native backup-ram data to their respective files. come to think of it: whenever you use a quick save feature, you can see a brief status bar message that reads something like 'state saved to actual_rom_name.jst' right? so what I suggest is that JNES displays the same line for native saves too: backup-ram data saved to actual_rom_name.sav. especially useful for certain games telling you nothing about the outcome of saving procedure - whether it's been successful or not. I mean Ys I & Ys II to be exact. then there goes games capable of auto-saving like Kirby & Cosmo Police Galivan etc. Jabo, please tell me what you think about it okay?

Kirbyfan 1400374687000 #110

Hey Jabo do you have any plans to make a Snes Emulator?.

Gent 1402090260000 #111

Hey J, very cool to see this and an android port! Sadly I can't try any at the moment as I only have a old Black Berry Bold that does not use android. I Just thought I'd say a quick hello as its the fist chance I've had to do so keep up the good work and chat to you soon \:D/

Gerhalt 1402225902000 #112

oy there! why, if it ain't Gent dude! long time no see mate! glad you visit us, seldom you do but that's cool nevertheless.

btw regarding JNES for Android: you know I was pretty surprised to find out it's a shareware stuff. I saw quite many NES emus for that platform, moreover some of them got 2 versions: free with certain functionality limitations & (of course) a purchasable one. yeah, I know emus are somewhat cheap apps comparing to, say, AV software. but MAN, I believe such stuff as emus should be free of any charge since it's very much like abandonware things in many ways. well, at least that's how I think of the matter.

Jabo 1402613111000 #113

Hey J, very cool to see this and an android port!

Welcome back and thank you!

btw regarding JNES for Android: you know I was pretty surprised to find out it's a shareware stuff.

It's probably a bit surprising considering the Windows version is free, but I'm also older now and have less free time. My goal was to make a high-quality port for Android that delivered cool new features. I definitely did not want to be another new free app with advertisements that gets abandoned.

Looking back this was the right decision, the Windows version has gotten some needed fixes and the Android port has some amazing features. By not having a free version I have a smaller audience of users that I can listen to and help, this has created a very enjoyable experience for everyone.

Gerhalt 1402829057000 #114

I definitely did not want to be another new free app with advertisements that gets abandoned.

you've got my support on that one. no offense, Jabo, I didn't mean to seem rude or anything like that, so I apologize if I said anything inappropriate okay? moreover, JNES is your 'child' so you & only you got the right to decide its further destiny, so to speak.

p.s. please, have a quick glimpse @ my message #108 and give some reply. if you consider that reply's needed, of course.

KaTeN 1403005099000 #115

I wanted to play the game "Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (Japan)", though it said something about Unsupported #75 mapper? Jnes is my favorite NES emulator and I wouldn't want to use another one to play the game, so is there any way I can get it to work?

Jabo 1403144051000 #116

p.s. please, have a quick glimpse @ my message #108

Not a problem, just internet fun! As far as your request for notifying when native saving is taking place, Jnes isn't entirely aware of what the game's intention is when it's writing data to it's battery backed RAM chips, by comparison save states are part of the emulator application not the game. This might be something fun to research a little deeper.

Unsupported #75 mapper? Jnes is my favorite NES emulator

Ya sorry about this, but the support for Japanese games is somewhat lacking for a variety of reasons. For right now you would have to use another emulator there isn't a way to workaround that.

Javier 1404668543000 #117

No graba la configuraci??n del Joystick siempre tengo que configurarlo cada vez que quiero jugar.

monkehmaster 1405382091000 #118

was wondering if "bandit kings of ancient china" has a patch or something, cause the gfx is messed up kinda like when u put in a nes game and u get tons of wierd characters instead of a picture, ive searched all the sites and they all seem to be the same, this is the only game ive found that seems to do this, i tried it on all the nes emu's aswell and no luck -_- plz help

Jabo 1406584127000 #119

was wondering if "bandit kings of ancient china" has a patch or something

Sadly this requires an updated version of Jnes that I haven't released yet, the Android version actually has this patch. Stay tuned for a new release in the mean time you may want to use another emulator.

monkehmaster 1407259309000 #120

k tnx been wanting to try that game

Phobos 1407869801000 #121


I need a help with JNes 1.1 Emulator.

im developing a interface with your program for a personal use and i had some doubts.
Im the ini file, the tag "Input1=". How you convert a keys (ex: CB00, CD00) to these codes? (CB00CD00C800D0001E001F00200021001200130 0010000000000000000000000000000000000000 0D4)

I realy apreciate your help to understand this.

[CB00CD00C800D0001E001F002000210012001300] [01] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000D4]

1= Keys
2=Connection (01 = Joypad)
3= ????????????????????????????????? This is my question.

nesguide2 1407925631000 #122

Great job dude! Keep going!

I have some sugesstions for next version:
- Dendy mode (PAL with forced NTSC (50 FPS))
- Add all sound channels (including FDS)
- Add VS Unisystem Support (Vs. Duck Hunt, Vs. Hogan's Alley etc.)
- Add FDS Support
- Better zapper Support (Space Shadow Gun & Optical Gun (new ones))
- Add inputs: 4 Player Adapter, Konami HyperShot, Power Pad, Power Glove, Hori Track, Pachniko, Crazy Climber, Mahjong, Exciting Boxing, Pokkun Moguraa, Party Tap, Karaoke Studio, Pad 3, Pad 4.
- NSF Support (if doesn't exist in current version)
- Add keys: Insert Coin 1, Insert Coin 2.
- Add Dipswitches in GUI

Sett@ 1410855678000 #123

when are you going to fix a bug in the game Bram Stoker''s Dracula when the movement of the character background level all the time in the movement of which is not possible normally to play!!

Choyo 1411139311000 #124

On Video Configuration, whether you choose s-video or rgb on Drawing Method, you will finally receive the same s-video effect

Sett@ 1411317469000 #125

I am well versed in the settings of the emulator! but what you have suggested does not help! you need to put the fix I have been waiting for him!

Zac 1412042445000 #126

I'm really not that savvy with emulators and how they work, can anyone help me with roms and whatnot? I've got jnes 1.1.1 downloaded, but none of the "documentation" is working, i.e. "using jnes" is just blank. please help

Gerhalt 1412990802000 #127

man, I'm back! damn, time passes so hasty ... gotta catch up.

NSF Support (if doesn't exist in current version)

Yup, it's there but alas - it seems to be some kind of WIP feature:
certain NSF containers make the emu freeze dead (Thunderbirds & Jumpin' Kid to name a few) , then there are some unknown problems with PCM channel (Battletoads & Wolverine)
still there are some good news nevertheless: it plays those bootleg NSF files created with FamiTracker.

addendum: Jabo, please have a quick glimpse at Konami's Lone Ranger, I spotted some minor screen distortion whenever a dialog box pops up - as if an ingame image is stretched vertically. I saw this bug in some other Konami game (mapper 4 as well), will report back once I've recalled its name.

Phobos 1413465547000 #128


I need a help with JNes 1.1 Emulator.

im developing a interface with your program for a personal use and i had some doubts.
Im the ini file, the tag "Input1=". How you convert a keys (ex: CB00, CD00) to these codes? (CB00CD00C800D0001E001F00200021001200130 0010000000000000000000000000000000000000 0D4)

I realy apreciate your help to understand this.

[CB00CD00C800D0001E001F002000210012001300] [01] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000D4]

1= Keys
2=Connection (01 = Joypad)
3= ????????????????????????????????? This is my question.

SSJ3matenks 1414733237000 #129

Umm, Can I make a request? Could you add a volume control for the emulator so the game music isn't so loud, so I don't have to adjust my main volume effecting everything else.

Jabo 1415402087000 #130

Umm, Can I make a request?

You should be able to do this actually with the volume settings on your PC, Microsoft added this to Windows many years ago.

Nfactor 1418623377000 #131

Hi Jabo, love your JNES 1.1.1 emu for Windows, great stuff.

I've had a couple issues with running JNES 1.1.1 on Windows 8.1 in fullscreen mode.

Basically there is a massive amount of constant framerate slowdown for every game I've tried which was alot lol. I tried turning off V-sync and the graphics filters, but that didn't resolve the issue.

Playing it in windowed mode with V-sync on or off, the games run at 60fps, I noticed while watching the FPS Ticker in the corner what looks like extremely small dips in framerate (59-ish FPS drops) cause massive 1 or 2 second slowdowns which then return quickly back to 60fps.

Obviously I've used JNES 1.1.1 on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (not 8.1) machines and run flawlessly in fullscreen and windowed mode.

Just thought I'd help address an issue I've seen on Windows 8.1 machines.

Also tried running JNES 1.1.1 in Windows Compatibility mode (Win 7 and XP) but it didn't fix those issues mentioned above.

Jabo 1420812094000 #132

Just thought I'd help address an issue I've seen on Windows 8.1 machines.

Thanks for the feedback, I haven't seen this personally but from what I've read there is a slew of problems with legacy DirectDraw applications in Windows 8.1, sadly these will likely affect Jnes.

At this point I'm planning on redoing a lot of the DirectX code in Jnes to make it a more modern gaming application, this will take some time but it is coming!

Please man 1422667833000 #133

Hey Jabo, answer me man, please.
I like so much your emulator, but i need to understand the logical in the ini file.

Phobos 1422667879000 #134


I need a help with JNes 1.1 Emulator.

im developing a interface with your program for a personal use and i had some doubts.
Im the ini file, the tag "Input1=". How you convert a keys (ex: CB00, CD00) to these codes? (CB00CD00C800D0001E001F00200021001200130 0010000000000000000000000000000000000000 0D4)

I realy apreciate your help to understand this.

[CB00CD00C800D0001E001F002000210012001300] [01] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000D4]

1= Keys
2=Connection (01 = Joypad)
3= ????????????????????????????????? This is my question.

brandon9271 1425049991000 #135

I'm on a windows 8.1 tablet and when a I open JNES i get an error msg
"DirectInput: Error setting mouse format"

I tried a few mouse emulation apps and no luck. i'll try a physical mouse and see what happens. So far win 8.1 is a huge pain in the butt!

Yoshistar95 1425243239000 #136

Hey Jabo, been some time since my last comment haha

I've recently encountered 2 bugs in your 1.1.1 version and it's kinda bad if you have PAL ROMs...

First is the Automatic Region system, I'm not sure if it affects all PAL version games, but the emulator will NOT set it to PAL (50fps) automatically.

Second is related to first one, when you record a gameplay at 50fps (only PAL of course! ) and it's probably only on games which has difference at speed, but when you converted the .jmv file into .avi and play the video, you'll notice (especially if PAL runs slower than on NTSC!) that the video goes too quick while sound has the correct speed

It's fine if you play it back on Jnes, but it also gives me the incorrect video length too, I know that Gradius runs slower by about 20% (or PAL / 1.2 = NTSC (same way with NTSC to PAL).
I've done a test to measure the conversion rate, same run, same actions which affects game length, but according to Jnes it's 19 minutes 1 second NTSC and 19 minutes 3 seconds (waited longer at end to end recording) PAL, but actual length is over 22 minutes...

Hope it helps!

Gerhalt 1425737359000 #137

hey every1, I'm back 2 (hopefully) cheer all of U folks up!
At this point I'm planning on redoing a lot of the DirectX code in Jnes to make it a more modern gaming application, this will take some time but it is coming!

that'd be freaking awesome! looking forward to the day it's out!
btw, I hope you don't mean it'll require an SDL lib to run lol...
anyways, I believe you're doing another useful update.

p.s. I'd like to address another minor (MINOR?) glitch mentioned looooooong ago. it's about that odd b/g scroll bug that ocurrs all along the flying stage in the original Wai Wai World. just reminding...

I already told this the other day. I'd like to point the issue out 1 more time though: for some weird reason in both StarTropics games turbo buttons don't do a damn thing whatsoever. it's exceptionally odd since in EVERY other game (at my disposal) they work just fine.

Canuck 1426471727000 #138

There is no way to uninstall Jnes. So how are we supposed to uninstall Jnes if Jnes doesn't have an uninstaller?

Gerhalt 1426611105000 #139

There is no way to uninstall Jnes. So how are we supposed to uninstall Jnes if Jnes doesn't have an uninstaller?

if you don't mind I'll qoute (a paragraph from) my earlier comment concerning the matter:

how do you uninstall the emu huh? pretty simple actually - just delete the entire folder containing the binary and that's it. the explanation's plain simple too - JNES works as a portable app (the term PE - portable executable - speaks for itself), thus it creates NO registry entries (the OS does though), therefore you don't need to worry about cleaning some 'leftovers', unlike stationary apps that require such procedure (that's what uninstallation is basically for).

2 Jabo
is there a way to make the emu use ASIO instead of DirectSound?
where do I upload an archive (containing a quicksave file of some ingame moment with a glitch) to?

Phobos - Consol... 1427311797000 #140


I need a help with JNes 1.1 Emulator.

im developing a interface with your program for a personal use and i had some doubts.
Im the ini file, the tag "Input1=". How you convert a keys (ex: CB00, CD00) to these codes? (CB00CD00C800D0001E001F00200021001200130 0010000000000000000000000000000000000000 0D4)

I realy apreciate your help to understand this.

[CB00CD00C800D0001E001F002000210012001300] [01] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000D4]

1= Keys
2=Connection (01 = Joypad)
3= ????????????????????????????????? This is my question.

Look my Twitter

Anonymous 1428597023000 #141

I'm new to this emulator and have problems on Battletoads. I come to level 8 and suddenly the sprite is higher than the platform it is standing on and everything gets really confusing. I tried to restart the game but in level two i can't even hit the enemies. Do you know what the problem is (i'm asking anyone with experience) and is there a solution.
P.S I have an outdated graphics card but I don't think its the problem as it plays SNES games without a single problem. Also Mega man 2 flickers like crazy.

Jabo 1428791674000 #142

I need a help with JNes 1.1 Emulator.

im developing a interface with your program for a personal use and i had some doubts.

Hey Phobos, sorry for the late response! I don't recommend changing these values, but I see you've asked a few times now. That value is a byte representation of the key mapping structure. It's not intended to be used externally so its stored in a crude fashion - this was probably my initial reluctance to document it.

The structure, converted to bytes, represents 10 16-bit elements (probably little-endian?). Within each element the lower 12-bits is a keycode (for keyboards this is the ascii-code?), followed a bit indicating the device type, for example 0 indicates a keyboard, 1 is a gamepad. I believe the first element is left, then right, etc. With a little experimentation you can probably get something working. Hope this helps!

is there a way to make the emu use ASIO instead of DirectSound?
where do I upload an archive (containing a quicksave file of some ingame moment with a glitch) to?

I'm not sure what ASIO is? So I can't really help there. These days I'm not sure where to upload files, but I'd suggest dropbox for example with a link.

Phobos 1428933632000 #143

Thanks for your time Jabo, but i don??t have knowledge to work with your code.

The base input is:

I need to get this line and separate like this:

CB00 = UP

But the end of line (two digits) dont make sense for me.
I want to enter a KEY, and this key convert into a code what Jnes recognize.

Jabo 1428943488000 #144

But the end of line (two digits) dont make sense for me.
I want to enter a KEY, and this key convert into a code what Jnes recognize.

I would guess that CB00 represents the key code for Left (CB is hexadecimal, which equals 203 in decimal). You can find a list of key-codes here http://tinyurl.com/mo8a87v

The encoding of the data I mentioned earlier is the internal representation in Jnes, you may have problems directly manipulating it as text. I would suggest using WritePrivateProfileStruct http://tinyurl.com/l9mjssf, and then read using GetPrivateProfileStruct http://tinyurl.com/ltmc8lt.

Thanks for your time Jabo, but i don't have knowledge to work with your code.

You're very welcome, I have to be honest however, I'm not interested in discussing this more. The information I've provided should be more than sufficient.

Phobos 1429044948000 #145

I really appreciate your help.
If i succeed, i'll tell you and link your website, if you want.

You really contributed to my project, just like Steve Snake (genesis emulator developer).

Look at my Facebook page /consolelauncher and my website consolelauncher.blogspot.com.br

Gerhalt 1429880993000 #146

Jabo please have a quick glimpse @ my message #136.
I'd like to point those issues out once more. Startropics, Startropics II & original Konami World in particular.
tell us anything regarding the matter okay?

Yoshistar95 1430336552000 #147

Don't forget my post above Gerhalt, #135
I now have a different emulator for the conversion, but haven't tested yet... busy with other stuff.

I'm getting good at speedrunning Gradius on the PAL version, quite easy on a real NES haha, but I still work on the strategy for Stage 1...

Gerhalt 1430404210000 #148

hey Yoshistar, tell you what: I recall Jabo's reply to the problem you described the other day. it's about how to make the emu set a game's region correctly, whether it's PAL or NTSC. So in brief he [Jabo] explained that JNES takes the eponymous region code from the actual rom name - yup, it's that simple. though I didn't try that myself, but I suspect that might help a bit.

now here's a question that keeps bothering me the whole time: why use some slowed down PAL version in the first place? I just dont get it... from what I know, European releases used to lack this or that feature (present within the original, say, Japanese game) in most games from overseas.
for instance, take Over Horizon, an ace shmup of my childhood. there are only 2 known (official) versions in existence: Japanese original (the best 1) and the screwed up European junk. why's that? 'cuz those dumbasses who ported it from Famicom 2 (EU)NES, didn't bother much and f**ked up the aural part of the game by making channels sound desynchronize. the longer you play it the less music you hear, thus in a very little while the sound turns into a f**king mess, making your ears bleed.
yeah I played that pile of dump (and cursed those responsible) till I got the proper release and was finally able to give an astounding bgm a go. guess what - it's a masterpiece (imho) if produced correctly.
there are many similar issues of PAL failures I'm aware of. that's why I try to avoid those versions now. they're disgusting.

Yoshistar95 1430700271000 #149

It's definitely PAL, titlescreen says it (not litteraly)

Admitted, many PAL version games are rubbish, but games like MK64 have been proven to be superior against NTSC. Why? Not because more people use it, but because you're able to get better times on it as it's slower.
Gradius is the same thing, sound is lower pitched, pause sound isn't original, but slower paced (getting WR on highscore was too easy hehe). I understand your opinion Gerhalt, but I live in a PAL region, so having a NTSC console is rare sadly (I do own USA N64 though (won a competition and got it for free :3)

FYI, I use NTSC ROM on the emu, I use PAL only for calculating the conversion (or speedrun when I can't use my NES)

Chris 1434411430000 #150

how do i make a copy of the save file for the rom i am curently playing incase i want to continue my progress on another pc or incase i have to redownload emulator for some reason and i want to continue where i left off

Jabo 1436192216000 #151

how do i make a copy of the save file

Save files are located in a subdirectory where you installed Jnes, you may also change this directory in the settings dialog if you would like to put it somewhere else or have trouble locating it.

Chris 1436229404000 #152

ok thanks. i changed my save path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jnes\saves but when i go to that the save folder does not show.

Jabo 1439403353000 #153

I would suggest checking out:

Putting Jnes in program files if you need access to the saves is tricky ever since Windows Vista. That website will show you how to get access to save files, as well as give a better explanation than I can here about how the VirtualStore works.

PlayBoyMan 1439748592000 #154

I can't play any rom in JNES with the sound on. I can play them with the sound off, but when I turn the sound on, the Game slows way down, to 4-6 fps. I didn't have this problem in Windows 8.1, but I'm having it now in Windows 10 Pro x64.

Any suggestions?

Jabo 1440169355000 #155

Not really, I don't actually have Windows 10 unfortunately so it might be a while before I can test that. Should anyone else have issues that would be good to know as well.

Gerhalt 1440366221000 #156

Any suggestions?

I believe you should check your DirectSound hardware acceleration level by calling the DirectX Diagnostic Utility. perhaps lowering it a bit might help. oh and don't forget to try variations of output signal frequency level as well. for instance, if it's set to 96KHz, then lower it to 48 or even 44,1 (and check JNES audio output right after that) - that might do the trick. wish you luck.

??or??e 1442594074000 #157

Registration on Emutalk doesn't work, so I will post it here. I made the Serbian translation of Jnes. The link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxxlql93ug5j3jb/sr.msg?dl=1

Jabo, there are a lot of missing strings in the translation file, for example ROM Information window, status bar strings, Cheat Search, About Jnes, System Information, startup dialog etc. You should include them in the next release. Also, can you create the "Contact" section on the site with your email address? I would like to get in touch with you so you can inform me on the new strings before you release a new version of Jnes.

Thank you!

Jabo 1443638656000 #158

Registration on Emutalk doesn't work, so I will post it here. I made the Serbian translation of Jnes.

That's cool thanks I'll check it out!

Termingamer2-JD 1443821460000 #159

Jnes is indeed a good project and could easily have became one of the best NES emulators available (it still is)... I understand that you probably have a lot less time to do stuff now but I really would like to see a new update to Jnes including new mappers meaning more support, etc...

Thanks for any response,

Gerhalt 1443893082000 #160

there are a lot of missing strings in the translation file, for example ROM Information window, status bar strings, Cheat Search, About Jnes, System Information, startup dialog etc.

you're pretty right, ??or??e. the other day I used to mention those too. I also wish I could localize at least status bar messages. anyway, let's hope one day Jabo makes those strings available for translation.
p.s. looking forward to the hot update containing Dracula Kun's issue fixed, as well as much more stability.

Gerhalt_logged_out 1447968630000 #161

Jabo, that's me! It appears an Android based tablet I'm typing on couldnt log me in properly... I dont care much about it since I got an urgent bug report here. Hopefully you'll notice my message asap. It's highly important (imo) that you take a closer look at the following games: HAL Lab's Uchuu Keibitai SDF and an unlicensed gem FireHawk by Codemasters. You'll understand whats wrong once you've launched any of those roms.
I'm bringing these issues to your attention cuz I believe the mentioned titles represent a sort of "special case" since there are games running the same mappers almost flawlessly. Anyway, here's my report. Thanks in advance.

Jabo 1448808539000 #162

when are you going to fix a bug in the game Bram Stoker's Dracula when the movement of the character background level all the time in the movement of which is not possible normally to play!!

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are talking about, however I am aware of an issue with this game where the bottom status area does not scroll properly perhaps that is what you are referring to?

It's highly important (imo) that you take a closer look at the following games: HAL Lab's Uchuu Keibitai SDF and an unlicensed gem FireHawk by Codemasters.

I am all too familiar with FireHawk sadly, it uses a few tricks I haven't been able to emulate very well.

Gerhalt 1456326220000 #163

... it uses a few tricks I haven't been able to emulate very well.

umm, so Jabo, will you at least try to get into those eponymous 'tricks' and try to correct FireHawk's odd behavior please? that gem of a game well worth an effort methinks. I dont wanna seem demanding or anything, I just wish I could enjoy an ace chopper-blaster game exactly with my fave JNES emu since I prefer it over Nestopia. taking into account the fact that JNES already supports mapper #71 meaning there's no need to study/implement it from scratch.

those are my thoughts on the matter. excuse me if I spoke anything wrong - didnt mean to. best regards.

B-Ran 1468368178000 #164

I finally upgraded from version to 1.1.1 and I must report that the Turbo buttons fail in many games.

It seems that the delay for the 'firing' is set with no delays at all like how it was in previous versions, and it's causing problems.

For an example, in the game Contra, the turbo used to fire rapidly but at a steady pace. Now, it fires 4 shots so closely together they're almost touching and then no more shots can be fired until they clear the screen.

In River City Ransom, punching/kicking with turbo worked perfectly, but now it does it one single time and stops.

In Punch Out!, the turbo buttons used to work perfectly, but now they do absolutely nothing.

I don't need to test it out in any more games to know how it's going to react. Would be nice to have an option to control the strength/delay of the turbo buttons, or at least a typical 3-speed settings option.

I have no choice but to downgrade.

B-Ran 1468368971000 #165

I forgot to mention that the turbo bugs I encountered with version 1.1.1 were not found in version either, so it was definitely something in the latest update that changed how turbo works.

Tina 1472041854000 #166

Hi Jabo,

Jnes has a visual bug in Wai Wai World, the game plays fine until you reach the Viper/Twinbee flying stage (have to rescue all heroes to unlock this Viper/Twinbee stage, but you can see a preview of this stage if you wait a minute without pressing start), (tested with and many other jnes versions), in the vertical-scrolling flying stage the bottom portion of the background doesn't match the top portion of the background, early in this flying/shooting stage it isn't a big deal, but once you get to the middle where you have to dodge rocks/walls it's almost impossible to get past with this visual glitch.

http://tasvideos.org/443M.html , there is a comment about this vertical scrolling stage issue but apparently FCEU NES 0.98.13 fixed it, but... I only love Jnes and I would rather that this bug get fixed with Jnes so I could play this game on JNES over Kaillera.

Is there anyone you could look into it? pretty please? much appreciated.

Jabo 1473772488000 #167

I forgot to mention that the turbo bugs I encountered with version 1.1.1 were not found in version either, so it was definitely something in the latest update that changed how turbo works.

You're right I think the rate is too low, I'll check what changed and see if it's something I can revert.

Is there anyone you could look into it? pretty please? much appreciated.

Sure, wouldn't mind looking into it, sadly though this isn't a game I'm familiar with. Do you have a state file for this by any chance? You can upload it to dropbox or a similar site and just share the link here.

STAS 1475771694000 #168

Hi, Jabo! Thanks for your application! Its Greate, but have problem with some ROMs. Error: Mapper #212 unsupported.
Could You fix this errors?

buuford 1475870186000 #169

Hello Jabo, I noticed something strange with the .cht file. What I'm seeing is that when I add a cheat and it writes to that file, that the code #s are no longer numerical and that there's multiple codes on each line which causes a problem the next time I run the game because it won't parse the file correctly and then shows me no cheat codes. So something isn't working correctly with writing to the file. Also, is it possible you're using the comma as a delimiter for reading lines? What I'm seeing is that if there's a comma in the description that it will parse up to that then truncate what's behind it.


Jabo 1476374255000 #170

What I'm seeing is that if there's a comma in the description that it will parse up to that then truncate what's behind it.

Ya that is definitely not supported. As to the rest of your questions most of the cheats code has been rewritten over the last few years so I can't say if it's broken still but when an update comes out definitely check it out.

Keith Boyd Collins 1477166740000 #171

You need automatic download updates. All the best. Peace. Cheers. Ttyl8ers.???

Gent 1478201403000 #172

Written by Jabo: As to the rest of your questions most of the cheats code has been rewritten over the last few years so I can't say if it's broken still but when an update comes out definitely check it out.

I will have to go through these to see if there are any anomalies in functionality

[Update] Yup I have been messing about with adding and editing codes in a running game. hmm, once Jnes is closed, 0n load and cheat select menu it seems our old pain not saving to database is back J

Ernest 1479067533000 #173

Downloaded the file, extracted to read the introduction and nothing was displayed.

Than Arounrainbow 1497146117000 #174

Is there anything to play FDS games on Jnes 1.1.1?